Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 1 - The 5 in 5 Challenge

Today is Day 1 of the 5 in 5 Challenge.  The day that we weigh in, share our goals for the week, and move forward with a week of change!  8 of us are taking on this challenge together.  Some of you have already shared your goals for this week from exercising a certain number of days, to portion control, to planning meals ahead of time, and more!  Great goals overall!  I'm looking forward to seeing you succeed in this challenge.  :)

In the spirit of accountability, I will share my weekly goals and weight progress on this blog - as well as in the studio. 

Week 1 Goals

Eating (drinking) - Increase my water intake by drinking at least 1 bottle of water by lunchtime and the 2nd before I leave work. 

Exercise - Run 3x this week, Lift or strength work 3x this week.

Unfortunately this week my lifting will have to be lighter and my running shorter since I have a half-marathon this weekend.  But, setting this goal will help me be consistent in a "taper week."  

I do have to share with you that I am a bit nervous about my weigh-in next week.  Let's be honest, it's not going to look good because everytime I do a run of 11+ miles, my weight goes up by 2-3 lbs. for a couple of days.  I believe it's due to the number of calories I burn and the dehydration that occurs during my run.  Afterwards my body hangs on to everything for a couple of days.  I know, you'd think I'd drop weight after a run like that, but it doesn't work that way for me. So, despite my best efforts, you all should do great in comparison this week!  :)  (But that does put the pressure on for me next week - doesn't it?)

Good luck to all of you, and feel free to email me with questions throughout the challenge!

Note: It takes a deficit of 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound.  Creating a daily deficit of 500 calories through exercise (burning calories) and eating (cutting some calories) over the course of one week translates to 1 pound lost!


Unknown said...

i hope i can post a loss for next week. *sigh*

exercise - this week I commit to taking the stairs and not the elevator at work. I sit on the third floor so this gives the opportunity to burn some extra calories. last week (my false start) i committed to run 3x per week. doing that also


Unknown said...

taking the stairs was a brilliant move on my part. more detail on my blog.


Michelle said...

exercise: 5 days a week
diet: Drink 62-74z of H20 ('cause lets face it, I love to eat)