Monday, February 8, 2010

Week Five. . . .

We wrapped up Week 4 with quite the challenge for many of you - the SuperBowl and all the parties and unhealthy eating/drinking that can involve.  I hope you all made it through unscathed! 

Week 4 was a little crazy for me in terms of eating at regular times, but I kept it healthy and managed to lose one pound!  How did you do this week?

Week 5 - the final week in our challenge is now upon us.  This doesn't mean all your hard work ends after this week.  Hopefully you've made some positive changes and plan to make those changes a part of your healthy lifestyle.

My goals this week are related to the challenges I had last week.  I would encourage you to look at your challenges and create goals to get past those challenges this week. 

Eating:  Focus on eating at regular intervals - about every 3-4 hours.

Eating regularly will help keep your metabolism up.  When you go too long between meals your metabolism slows down to perserve what calories you have until your next meal.  It may be a little scary to eat more often, but eat 3 balanced meals and 2-3 healthy snacks in between.  The key for me is to always remember to include protein whenever I eat.

Exercise:  Hire my favorite trainer, Chris, to kick my butt once a week.

I am exercising, but I haven't done so well with the intensity.  I need a kick to get me going again.  Chris and I share the same training philosophy, so I trust him to keep me safe while making me work hard.  And the bonus of having someone else train me. . . . . new ideas!  Watch out!  ;) 

There are my goals.  What are yours for Week Five?

1 comment:

Michelle said...

It didn't even feel like superbowl this time. Thankfully our superbowl was uneventful.