Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What is your goal?

Welcome to The Fitness Studio blog.  This will be a forum for tips on exercise, eating, and better health and fitness.  Submit your questions, comments, and even ideas for future posts. 

We're all in the quest for better health and fitness together.  Having a community that supports your effort is vital to your success.  Join this online community and surround yourself with friends and family members at home who support your efforts, as well.  Let's do this together! 

Step one:  Set a goal for yourself
Your goal should be SMART! 
Specific - What do you want to achieve?
Measurable - How many pounds to lose?  What event to complete? What score/time for your event?
Attainable - Is your goal realistic, healthy, and something you will work towards?
Relevant - Is this a goal YOU want to achieve?
Time-bound - Set specific deadlines.

It's easier to achieve a goal if you share it with others and become accountable for reaching your goal. What SMART goal have you set for yourself? 

Next time - You've set your goal - Now what?


Unknown said...

after duke city, i'll be setting general fitness goals for myself. thx for the reminder for them to be SMART goals :-)

Michelle said...

For some eason I set CRAZY goals. I like the challange. Not sure if I have met any . . .