Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Locked Out!

I locked my studio door on the way to lunch yesterday and immediately knew I had locked my keys inside.  There was nothing I could do at that moment, so I stressed about it all the way home.  Why hadn't I made copies of my keys yet?  I had been thinking about getting my keys copied, knowing there was a chance I could lock them inside, but I had continued to put it off.

We all put things off - even when we know there's a good chance we could regret it later.  We put off taking care of our health because we're doing OK right now or we just don't have time.  But, how long will it be before you find out you have high blood pressure, Type II Diabetes, stress-related illness, or even move into the category of obesity?  As you know, these things don't happen overnight, but the longer we wait to take care of ourselves, the closer we move to being required to care for ourselves in a more drastic way. 

You take good care of your children each day, because you love them.  You take care of your clients or co-workers daily.  You may even care for your parents on a regular basis.  But, while taking care of others, many people forget to care for themselves, feeling guilty if they take time for their own health.  It's time to realize that caring for your own health is just as important.  You want to be there for your family and friends.  Don't jeopardize that by putting off taking care of you. 

Make that doctor's appointment, sign up for those training sessions, find a workout partner, GET MOVING NOW - before it's too late!  Don't lock yourself out of your own life! 

This morning (after getting back in to my studio) my first priority was to make copies of all my keys.  It became important when locking myself out became a reality.  Don't wait on your health until reality hits.  Start your health improvement today!