Monday, October 12, 2009

Goal-setting - What Now?

So, you've got a great goal in mind.  Perfect!   Now write it down, tell someone, enlist some support.  Working towards a goal is not always easy - don't try to do it alone. It's too easy to bail on your goal if no one else knows about it.  Take the next step and share it!

Next break that goal down into realistic smaller steps.  Start with this week.  What are you going to do differently this week to start working towards your goal?  Don't try to make a whole bunch of changes all at once.  This is the time you are going to achieve that goal - one step at a time.  Remember to make REALISTIC changes.  For example: If you currently drink 3 sodas a day, don't try to quit completely in week one.  That's a huge change that could lead to failure.  What about cutting down to 2 a day this week and then 1 the next, etc.  Gradual change will make a difference. 

What now?  Get out a pen and paper; open up your blog, Facebook, Twitter, email - whatever; call a friend; grab a co-worker.  Make a plan for this week and SHARE IT!  Ask for help in achieving your goal.  Or enlist a friend that wants to work towards that goal with you.  Get the word out and get crackin' on week one of your new goal. 

Good luck!  And remember, "If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got."  Time to make a change!  I can't wait to hear about your goals.

Next time - rewarding yourself

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I like it. I sometimes don't tell people because i am afriad I will fail.